Customized Programs
It's easy...I basically take care of everything for you. "YOUR" program will be customized for "YOU" and "YOUR" needs. And personalized based on "YOUR" goals, ultimately putting "YOU" in control of "YOUR" health.
You will receive a detailed workout regime that is practical, efficient and intense so you can build the right amount of muscle while burning fat.
Also a simple, but efficient nutrition program will be provided that is tailored and customized for you and your goals guiding and directing you successfully in a time period that "we" ( you and I ) target on the day of your consultation making your journey SIMPLE! PRECISE! and IN CONTROL! With knowledge, confidence and understanding. No guessing. No "absence of" carbohydrates or food. No quick-fix, fad or yo-yo eating habits. That is not what we are about.
You will also receive a cardiovascular manipulation program to help speed up your metabolism so that you are constantly burning fat and not just depending on your diet to get you into shape. Your new metabolism will now be working for you and not against you.
Diets Don't Work...
What does work is...
Healthy nutrition choices
Putting an importance on keeping active
Seeing our "health life" as being important
Making our health a way of life and not a "quick-fix"
Lifestyle changes (get off the coach)
Remember, weight training is a privilege, and the only way to slow down the muscle atrophy process. Weight training is also the best way to strengthen our bones and protect us from osteoporosis.
All you need is commitment, accountability and consistency...let's get started!